Texas Timber Bats across America Project

Welcome to our Texas Timber Bats across America Project! Our goal is to share our passion of the game across America and to see our bats enjoyed in all 50 states. We are asking you, our customers & players, to take a picture with you and your Texas Timber Bat and we will post your picture here under the state of your residence. And of course we will track our progress on this as we go for 50!
1. Participate in the project & purchase a Texas Timber Bat with 10% discount code America10
2. Take a photo with you and your Texas Timber Bat in your state of residence
3. Send photo to photos@texastimberbats.com
4. If you are the first from your state to provide a photograph, you will be will be given a 15% discount on all bat orders for the remainder of 2014
5. Spread the word and help us take Texas Timber across America!
Project Progress: 23 / 50 = 46%




•District of Columbia






•New Hampshire
•New Jersey

•New Mexico
•New York

•North Carolina
•North Dakota



•Rhode Island
•South Carolina
•South Dakota



•West Virginia
